Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Slipping thru the "crack"...dammit

You know, I was SO charged with zeal to attack my new outlook on life and all the stuff I have missed by internalizing and hiding. If I am to be honest, I have done very little of the things I promised I would and really I feel like hell about this. Not only did I let myself down, I feel like I let my friends down who were so supportive of me and my plan. So, with that confession, and I hope forgiveness from all who I let down, today is another day and I am going to make more of an effort. I find that I am a good "list person" and that with a list, I get more done. I have a household schedule I used when there was only one kid, and before her arrival as well, and that went great. With two kids, it is 10x harder to do that stuff, which makes no sense but its true. It is not impossible to do the list, its just hard and I have gotten complacent in my laziness and my sitting on my ass-ness and that has got to stop. A special friend recently asked me if premature death was enough of a motivator for me to lose weight, improve my health and I honestly said it wasn't. I know!!! What the hell was I thinking? So, with that said, I am printing off copies of my schedule that has long worked for me, with a couple of changes to fit the new situations I am faced with. I have actually been waking up at 6:45am, and until very recently I actually got up, not just woke up. The sad little bit of work I am getting these days is keeping me up very late as I cannot work while the kids, well Zane anyway, are up and in the room so I end up working until 2-3am. It is very rough to get up at 6:45 when you go to bed at 2, and be productive. There is a better than average chance that my job is finally coming to an end, which I have anticipated for almost a year but have been lucky - I think - so far. I do think that with as little income as there is now, and as much time as it takes from my day, my kids and my life....its just honestly not worth it. I just can't bring myself to quit and contribute nothing to the income of the house. Okay gang, I may well slip and slide a bit, and I can surely use help and encouragement, but here I go again. This time I have to get it right. It can't be that hard to be happy, lots of people do it everyday! Sorry this wasn't funny or informative, but sometimes it helps to put stuff out there where I can be held accountable. I will go back to normal, promise!

1 comment:

Mom! Dude! said...

Well, I'll just say you've got company in that long line of people who slip through the crack...I've done it many times myself. What's the saying, something about the glory not being in never falling, but in rising each time you fall...just keep on keepin' on...and your readers and friends are all here to help you!